Ignite Spin 06:15

with Amy Hiatt
Spin Studio

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Iqnite spin is not just about sitting on a bike and burning calories, it's about empowering yourself, finding motivation and determination you didn't know you had, getting that cardio burn, and firing up those energy levels. If you are feeling sluggish, a little bit down, had a bad day, or lacking motivation, then you're guaranteed to do a 360 on all of those once the class has finished.

We ride along to carefully chosen playlists by Amy, choosing tracks to fire those sprints, and to really push yourselves on those climbs. She will be guiding you all of the way. No one is EVER singled out, you ride as a team, you ride as one! 

Amy really drives home that you can take things at your own pace if you are finding it a little bit tough, so she welcomes all abilities to her classes. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!